What Does Calm Weddings Do?
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We get lots of emails asking if we can help other wedding
businesses ... and the answer is yes! We love emails like this! We love helping
other businesses :)
We've decided to dedicate today's blog post on how we can help
Firstly, if you haven’t come across us before, you might be
wondering who we are?
Well, Calm Weddings is an online wedding store, that was set-up by
our very own qualified former wedding planner, Victoria Brown, who is not only
passionate about weddings, but also businesses being successful. She does love
helping and hopefully inspiring others. She’s addicted to inspirational quotes,
which you’ll find us often tweeting about, but you can visit and download her
free daily inspirational quotes book at www.victoria-brown.com she’s always throwing them at us! The
quotes not the books!
But we digress … let’s get back to how we can help you!
If you have a wedding product that you design, produce or sell,
this could be anything from wedding invitations, favours to wedding gifts, you
can put your products on our site for free, and we take 20%(+VAT) commission if
anything is sold. That simple! We do have packages that allow you to be on our site
for a further cost, but you don’t actually have to spend a penny, unless
something is sold.
Now, if you’re wedding supplier that is supplying a service to a
bridal couple, such as, cakes, venues, transport, wedding styling, wedding
planning etc. There’s plenty more, and if you fit into this category, we’re always
happy to receive guest blog posts from companies who would like to tell us more
about their service. Our readers love pictures and real-life stories, so any
you can send to us, please do.
Now, if you noticed we didn’t mention photographers on our wedding
supplier services list! That’s because we have another section for you guys. We
have a real-life weddings section, where we work with professional wedding
photographers to put their weddings online. And we're always happy to
receive blog posts from professional wedding photographers.
So, we hope we haven’t confused you too much!
We would love to hear from you, if you’d be interested in working
with us, give us an email at shop@calmweddings.com if you’re interested in any of the
Have a lovely day.
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